OMN ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOSis a genuinely Angolan law firm whose objective is to assert itself as a reference institution in legal practice, both in the national and international markets. OMN ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOSwas born from the need to share a vision and values of a modern law firm that is based on meeting the legal needs of clients in a dedicated, permanent and rigorous way, always acting in the interests of the client and based on the highest standards of quality and ethical requirements. and deontological.
The Lawyers of the OfficeMN ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOSare driven by the idea that, nowadays, Clients require Lawyers with solid experience combined with an indispensable culture of rigor and in-depth knowledge of the Angolan legislative environment in order to guarantee that the service is provided with the required competitive quality and with adding value to the interests of Customers.
Our professionals are regularly enrolled in theOAAand have different levels of seniority and specialization in different areas of law. They have work experience both in Angola and Portugal. They bring extensive experience in providing legal advice to large companies and public institutions, which makes them competitive in providing contracted legal services.
OMN ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOShas fee policies that adjust to the interest and economic capacity of its Clients and combines quality and rigor in the provision of services.
As a rule, our fees are established according to certain criteria, namely:
Estimated time to be spent ou time actually spent in providing the service;
Service complexity and volume;
Nature of the service and sector of activity in which the Customer belongs;
Level of expertise and experience of the lawyer involved.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned criteria, considering the type of relationship (instant/lasting) to be established with the Client, special regimes may apply.